Lexham English Bible

Genesis 46:15-29 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

15. These are the sons of Leah that she bore to Jacob in Paddan-Aram, and Dinah his daughter. His sons and daughters were thirty-three persons in all.

16. The sons of Gad: Ziphion, Haggi, Shuni, Ezbon, Eri, Arodi, and Areli.

17. The sons of Asher: Imnah, Ishvah, Ishvi, and Beriah, and their sister Serah. And the sons of Beriah: Heber and Malkiel.

18. There are the sons of Zilpah, whom Laban gave to Leah his daughter, and she bore these to Jacob—sixteen persons.

19. The sons of Rachel, Jacob’s wife: Joseph and Benjamin.

20. And Ephraim and Manasseh, whom Asenath, daughter of Potiphera, priest of On bore to him, were born to Joseph in the land of Egypt.

21. The sons of Benjamin: Bela, Beker, Ashbel, Gera, Naaman, Ehi, Rosh, Muppim, Huppim, and Ard.

22. These are the sons of Rachel who were born to Jacob—fourteen persons in all.

23. The sons of Dan: Hushim.

24. The sons of Naphtali: Jahzeel, Guni, Jezer, and Shillem.

25. These are the sons of Bilhah whom Laban gave to Rachel his daughter, and she bore these to Jacob—seven persons in all.

26. All the persons belonging to Jacob who came to Egypt who were his descendants, not including the wives of the sons of Jacob were sixty-six persons in all.

27. And the sons of Joseph who were born to him in Egypt were two persons. All the persons of the house of Jacob who came to Egypt were seventy.

28. He had sent Judah ahead of him to Joseph to appear before him in Goshen. And they came to the land of Goshen.

29. Then Joseph harnessed his chariot and went up to meet Israel his father in Goshen. He presented himself to him and fell upon his neck and wept upon his neck a long time.