Lexham English Bible

Genesis 36:1-14 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

1. Now these are the descendants of Esau (that is, Edom).

2. Esau took his wives from the daughters of Canaan: Adah, daughter of Elon, the Hittite, and Oholibamah, daughter of Anah, the daughter of Zibeon, the Hivite,

3. and Basemath, the daughter of Ishmael, the sister of Nebaioth.

4. And Adah bore to Esau Eliphaz; and Basemath bore Reuel;

5. and Oholibamah bore Jeush and Jalam, and Korah. These are the sons of Esau who were born to him in the land of Canaan.

6. And Esau took his wives and his sons and his daughters, and all the persons of his household, and his sheep and goats, and all his cattle, and all the goods that he had acquired in the land of Canaan, and went to a land away from his brother Jacob.

7. For their possessions were too many to live together, so that the land of their sojourning was not able to support them on account of their livestock.

8. So Esau dwelled in the hill country of Seir (Esau, that is Edom).

9. Now these are the descendants of Esau, the father of Edom, in the hill country of Seir.

10. These are the names of the sons of Esau: Eliphaz, the son of Adah, the wife of Esau; Reuel, the son of Basemath, the wife of Esau.

11. The sons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, and Kenaz.

12. (Now Timnah was the concubine of Eliphaz, the son of Esau. And she bore Amalek to Eliphaz.) These are the sons of Adah, the wife of Esau.

13. Now these are the sons of Reuel: Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah. These are the sons of Basemath, the wife of Esau.

14. Now these are the sons of Oholibamah, the daughter of Anah, daughter of Zibeon, the wife of Esau: She bore to Esau Jeush, Jalam, and Korah.