Lexham English Bible

Exodus 30:4-10 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

4. And you will make two gold rings for it; under its molding on two opposite sides you will make them as holders for poles to carry it with them.

5. You will make the poles of acacia wood, and you will overlay them with gold.

6. And you will put it before the curtain that is upon the ark of the testimony, before the atonement cover, which is on the testimony, there where I will meet with you.

7. “And on it Aaron will turn fragrant incense into smoke; each morning when he tends the lamps, he will turn it into smoke.

8. And when Aaron sets up the lamps at twilight, he will turn it into smoke—incense of continuity—before Yahweh throughout your generations.

9. You will not offer on it strange incense or a burnt offering or a grain offering, and you will not pour a libation on it.

10. And Aaron will make atonement on its horns one time in the year from the blood of the sin offering of the atonement; one time in the year he will make atonement on it throughout your generations; it is a most holy thing for Yahweh.”