Lexham English Bible

Exodus 28:9-24 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

9. “And you will take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the Israelites,

10. with six of their names on the one stone and the remaining six on the second, according to their genealogies.

11. As the work of a skilled stone craftsman, with seal engravings you will engrave on the two stones the names of the Israelites; you will make them mounted in gold filigree settings.

12. And you will set the two stones on the ephod’s shoulder pieces as stones of remembrance for the Israelites, and Aaron will bear their names before Yahweh on his two shoulder pieces for remembrance.

13. “And you will make gold filigree settings.

14. And you will make two braided chains of pure gold ornamental cord work, and you will put the chains of the ornamental cords on the filigree settings.

15. And you will make a breast piece of judgment, a work of a skilled craftsman; you will make it like the work of the ephod; you will make it of gold, blue and purple and crimson yarns, and finely twisted linen.

16. It will be squared, doubled, a span its length and a span its width.

17. And you will fill it with stone mounting, four rows of stone, a row of carnelian, topaz, and emerald is the first row;

18. and the second row is a malachite, a sapphire, and a moonstone;

19. and the third row is a jacinth, an agate, and an amethyst;

20. and the fourth row is a turquoise and an onyx and a jasper. Their settings will be woven with gold.

21. The stones will be according to the names of the Israelites, twelve according to their names, with seal engravings, each according to its name they will be for the twelve tribes.

22. “And you will make on the breast piece braided chains, a work of pure gold ornamental cord.

23. And you will make on the breast piece two gold rings, and you will put the two rings on the two edges of the breast piece.

24. And you will put the two gold ornamental cords on the two rings on the edges of the breast piece.