Lexham English Bible

Exodus 15:6-15 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

6. Yahweh, your right hand is glorious in power; Yahweh, your right hand destroyed the enemy.

7. And in the greatness of your majesty you overthrew those standing up to you; you released your fierce anger, and it consumed them like stubble.

8. And by the breath of your nostrils waters were piled up; waves stood like a heap; deep waters in the middle of the sea congealed.

9. The enemy said, ‘I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide plunder, my desire will be full of them, I will draw my sword, my hand will destroy them.’

10. You blew with your breath; the sea covered them; they dropped like lead in the mighty waters.

11. Who is like you among the gods, Yahweh? Who is like you—glorious in holiness, awesome in praiseworthy actions, doing wonders?

12. You stretched out your right hand; the earth swallowed them.

13. In your loyal love you led the people whom you redeemed; in your strength you guided them to the abode of your holiness.

14. Peoples heard; they trembled; anguish seized the inhabitants of Philistia.

15. Then the chiefs of Edom were horrified; great distress seized the leaders of Moab; all of the inhabitants of Canaan melted away.