Lexham English Bible

Exodus 15:1-6 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

1. Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to Yahweh, and they said, “Let me sing to Yahweh because he is highly exalted; the horse and its rider he hurled into the sea.

2. Yah is my strength and song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him—the God of my father—and I will exalt him.

3. Yahweh is a man of war; Yahweh is his name.

4. The chariots of Pharaoh and his army he cast into the sea, and his choice adjutants were sunk in the Red Sea.

5. The deep waters covered them; they went down into the depths like a stone.

6. Yahweh, your right hand is glorious in power; Yahweh, your right hand destroyed the enemy.