Lexham English Bible

2 Kings 11:8-14 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

8. You must surround the king all about, each with his weapon in his hand; whoever comes to the ranks must be killed. Be with the king wherever he goes.”

9. So the commanders of hundreds did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded, and each took his men who went off duty on the Sabbath and those who came on duty on the Sabbath, and they came to Jehoiada the priest.

10. Then the priest gave to the commanders of the hundreds spears and small round shields which were King David’s, which were in the temple of Yahweh.

11. So the royal runners stood, each with his weapons in his hand, from the side of the temple to the south up to the side of the temple on the north, around the altar and around the temple, about the king all around.

12. Then he brought out the son of the king, put the crown on him with the testimony, and they made him king, anointed him, clapped their hands, and said, “Long live the king!”

13. When Athaliah heard the sound of the runners of the people, she came to the people at the temple of Yahweh.

14. She looked, and there was the king standing by the pillar according to the custom. The commanders and the trumpeters were by the king, and all of the people of the land were rejoicing and blowing on the trumpets. Athaliah tore her clothes and she called, “Treason, treason!”