King James 2000

Luke 19:3-19 King James 2000 (KJ2000)

3. And he sought to see who Jesus was; and could not for the crowd, because he was little of stature.

4. And he ran on ahead, and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way.

5. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him,

6. And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully.

7. And when they saw it, they all murmured, saying, That he was gone to be guest with a man that is a sinner.

8. And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken anything from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.

9. And Jesus said unto him,

10. For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost.

11. And as they heard these things, he proceeded to tell a parable, because he was near to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear.

12. He said therefore,

13. And he called his ten servants, and delivered to them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come.

14. But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us.

15. And it came to pass, that when he was returned, having received the kingdom, then he commanded these servants to be called unto him, to whom he had given the money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading.

16. Then came the first, saying, Lord, your pound has gained ten pounds.

17. And he said unto him, Well done, good servant: because you have been faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities.

18. And the second came, saying, Lord, your pound has gained five pounds.

19. And he said likewise to him, Be also over five cities.