King James 2000

1 Samuel 29:2-8 King James 2000 (KJ2000)

2. And the lords of the Philistines passed on by hundreds, and by thousands: but David and his men passed on in the rear with Achish.

3. Then said the princes of the Philistines, What are these Hebrews doing here? And Achish said unto the princes of the Philistines, Is not this David, the servant of Saul the king of Israel, who has been with me these days, or these years, and I have found no fault in him since he deserted unto me unto this day?

4. And the princes of the Philistines were angry with him; and the princes of the Philistines said unto him, Make this fellow return, that he may go again to his place which you have appointed him, and let him not go down with us to battle, lest in the battle he be an adversary to us: for with what should he reconcile himself unto his master? should it not be with the heads of these men?

5. Is not this David, of whom they sang one to another in dances, saying, Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands?

6. Then Achish called David, and said unto him, Surely, as the LORD lives, you have been upright, and your going out and your coming in with me in the army is good in my sight: for I have not found evil in you since the day of your coming unto me unto this day: nevertheless the lords favor you not.

7. Therefore now return, and go in peace, that you displease not the lords of the Philistines.

8. And David said unto Achish, But what have I done? and what have you found in your servant so long as I have been with you unto this day, that I may not go fight against the enemies of my lord the king?