Jubilee Bible

Judges 15:13-20 Jubilee Bible (JUB)

13. And they answered him, saying, No, we will bind thee fast and deliver thee into their hands; but surely we will not kill thee. And they bound him with two new cords and brought him up from the rock.

14. And when he came unto Lehi, {Heb. jaw}, the Philistines received him with shouts; and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him, and the cords that were upon his arms became as flax that was burnt with fire, and his bands loosed from off his hands.

15. And he found a new jawbone of an ass and put forth his hand and took it and slew a thousand men with it.

16. Then Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass, one heap, two heaps; with the jaw of an ass I have slain a thousand men.

17. And when he had finished speaking, he cast away the jawbone out of his hand and called that place Ramathlehi. {Heb. the lifting up of the jaw}

18. And he was sore athirst and called on the Lord and said, Thou hast given this great salvation by the hand of thy slave; and now shall I die for thirst and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised?

19. Then God broke a tooth that was in the jaw, and water came out there; and he drank, and recovered his spirit, and he lived. Therefore he called the name thereof Enhakkore, {Heb. the fountain of he who called}, which is in Lehi unto this day.

20. And he judged Israel in the days of the Philistines twenty years.