Jubilee Bible

Job 12:17-25 Jubilee Bible (JUB)

17. He causes the counsellors to walk away stripped of counsel and makes the judges to be fools.

18. He looses the bond of kings and girds their loins with a girdle.

19. He leads priests away spoiled and overthrows the mighty.

20. He impedes the lips of those that speak the truth and takes away the counsel of the aged.

21. He pours contempt upon princes and weakens the strength of the mighty.

22. He uncovers the depths of the darkness and brings out to light the shadow of death.

23. He multiplies the Gentiles and destroys them; he scatters the Gentiles and gathers them again.

24. He takes away the heart of the heads of the people of the earth and causes them to become lost, wandering without a way.

25. They grope in the darkness and not the light, and he causes them to err like drunken men.