Jubilee Bible

1 Samuel 26:1-6 Jubilee Bible (JUB)

1. And the Ziphites came unto Saul to Gibeah, saying, Does David not hide himself in the hill of Hachilah, which is before Jeshimon?

2. Then Saul arose and went down to the wilderness of Ziph, having three thousand chosen men of Israel with him, to seek David in the wilderness of Ziph.

3. And Saul pitched camp in the hill of Hachilah, which is before the wilderness by the way. But David abode in the wilderness, and he perceived that Saul came after him into the wilderness.

4. David, therefore, sent out spies and understood that Saul was indeed come.

5. And David arose and came to the place where Saul had pitched camp, and David beheld the place where Saul lay and Abner, the son of Ner, the captain of his host. And Saul lay in the trench, and the people pitched round about him.

6. Then David spoke and said to Ahimelech, the Hittite, and to Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, brother to Joab, saying, Who will go down with me to Saul to the camp? And Abishai said, I will go down with thee.