International Children’s Bible

Titus 1:9-16 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

9. An overseer must faithfully follow the truth just as we teach it. He must be able to help people by using true and right teaching. And he must be able to show those who are against the true teaching that they are wrong.

10. There are many people who refuse to obey—people who talk about worthless things and lead others into the wrong way. I am talking mostly about those who insist on circumcision to be saved.

11. These people must be stopped from talking. They are destroying whole families by teaching things that they should not teach. They teach them only to cheat people and make money.

12. Even one of their own prophets from Crete said, “Cretan people are always liars. They are evil animals and lazy people who do nothing but eat.”

13. The words that prophet said are true. So tell those people that they are wrong. You must be strict with them. Then they will become strong in the faith

14. and stop accepting Jewish stories. And they will stop following the commands of others who do not accept the truth.

15. To those who are pure, all things are pure. But to those who are full of sin and do not believe, nothing is pure. The thinking of those people has become evil and their knowledge of what is right has been ruined.

16. They say they know God, but the evil things they do show that they do not accept God. They are terrible people, they refuse to obey, and they are useless for doing anything good.