International Children’s Bible

The Acts 2:21-31 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

21. Then anyone who asks the Lord for helpwill be saved.’ Joel 2:28-32

22. “Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus from Nazareth was a very special man. God clearly showed this to you by the miracles, wonders, and signs God did through him. You all know this, because it happened right here among you.

23. Jesus was given to you, and you killed him. With the help of evil men you nailed him to a cross. But God knew all this would happen. This was God’s plan which he had made long ago.

24. God raised Jesus from death. God set him free from the pain of death. Death could not hold him.

25. For David said this about him:‘I keep the Lord before me always.Because he is close by my side,I will not be hurt.

26. So I am glad, and I rejoice.Even my body has hope.

27. This is because you will not leave me in the grave.You will not let your Holy One rot.

28. You will teach me God’s way to live.Being with you will fill me with joy.’ Psalm 16:8-11

29. “Brothers, I can tell you truly about David, our ancestor. He died and was buried. His grave is still here with us today.

30. David was a prophet and knew what God had said. God had promised David that he would make a person from David’s family a king just as he was.

31. David knew this before it happened. That is why he said:‘He was not left in the grave.His body did not rot.’David was talking about the Christ rising from death.