International Children’s Bible

The Acts 13:36-50 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

36. David did God’s will during his lifetime. Then he died and was buried with his fathers. And his body did rot in the grave!

37. But the One God raised from death did not rot in the grave.

38-39. Brothers, you must understand what we are telling you: You can have forgiveness of your sins through Jesus. The law of Moses could not free you from your sins. But everyone who believes is free from all sins through him.

40. Be careful! Don’t let what the prophets said happen to you:

41. ‘Listen, you people who doubt!You can wonder, and then die.I will do something in your lifetime that will amaze you.You won’t believe it even when you are told about it!’” Habakkuk 1:5

42. While Paul and Barnabas were leaving the synagogue, the people asked them to tell them more about these things on the next Sabbath.

43. After the meeting, many Jews followed Paul and Barnabas from that place. With the Jews there were many who had changed to the Jewish religion and worshiped God. Paul and Barnabas were persuading them to continue trusting in God’s kindness.

44. On the next Sabbath day, almost all the people in the city came to hear the word of the Lord.

45. Seeing the crowd, the Jews became very jealous. They said insulting things and argued against what Paul said.

46. But Paul and Barnabas spoke very boldly. They said, “We must speak the message of God to you first. But you refuse to listen. You are judging yourselves not worthy of having eternal life! So we will now go to the people of other nations!

47. This is what the Lord told us to do. The Lord said:‘I have made you a light for the non-Jewish nations.You will show people all over the world the way to be saved.’” Isaiah 49:6

48. When the non-Jewish people heard Paul say this, they were happy. They gave honor to the message of the Lord. And many of the people believed the message. They were the ones chosen to have life forever.

49. And so the message of the Lord was spreading through the whole country.

50. But the Jews stirred up some of the important religious women and the leaders of the city against Paul and Barnabas. They started trouble against Paul and Barnabas and drove them out of their area.