International Children’s Bible

Psalms 89:3-11 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

3. You said, “I made an agreement with the man of my choice.I made a promise to my servant David.

4. I told him, ‘I will make your family continue forever.Your kingdom will continue from now on.’” Selah

5. Lord, the heavens praise you for your miraclesand for your loyalty in the meeting of your holy ones.

6. Who in heaven is equal to the Lord?None of the angels is like the Lord.

7. When the holy ones meet, it is God they fear.He is more frightening than all who surround him.

8. Lord God of heaven’s armies, who is like you?Lord, you are powerful and completely to be trusted.

9. You rule the mighty sea.You calm the stormy waves.

10. You crushed the sea monster Rahab.By your power you scattered your enemies.

11. The skies and the earth belong to you.You made the world and everything in it.