International Children’s Bible

Psalms 78:30-50 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

30. While they were still eating,and while the food was still in their mouths,

31. God became angry with them.He killed some of the healthiest of them.He struck down the best young men of Israel.

32. But they kept on sinning.They did not believe even with the miracles.

33. So he ended their days without meaningand their years in terror.

34. Anytime he killed them, some would look to him for help.They would come back to God and follow him.

35. They would remember that God was their Rock,that God Most High had saved them.

36. But their words were false.Their tongues lied to him.

37. Their hearts were not really loyal to God.They did not keep his agreement.

38. Still God was merciful.He forgave their sins.He did not destroy them.Many times he held back his anger.He did not stir up all his anger.

39. He remembered that they were only human.They were like a wind that blows and does not come back.

40. They turned against God so often in the desert!There they made him very sad.

41. Again and again they tested God.They brought pain to the Holy One of Israel.

42. They did not remember his poweror the time he saved them from the enemy.

43. They forgot the signs he did in Egyptand his miracles in the fields of Zoan.

44. He turned the rivers to blood.So no one could drink the water.

45. He sent flies that bit the people.He sent frogs that destroyed them.

46. He gave their crops to grasshoppersand what they worked for to locusts.

47. He destroyed their vines with hailand their sycamore trees with sleet.

48. He killed their animals with hailand their cattle with lightning.

49. He showed them his hot anger.He sent his strong anger against them.He sent his destroying angels.

50. He found a way to show his anger.He did not keep them from dying.He let them die by a terrible disease.