International Children’s Bible

Psalms 71:1-16 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

1. In you, Lord, is my protection.Never let me be ashamed.

2. Because you do what is right, save and rescue me.Listen to me and save me.

3. Be my place of safetywhere I can always come.Give the command to save me.You are my rock and my strong, walled city.

4. My God, save me from the power of the wicked.Save me from the hold of evil and cruel people.

5. Lord God, you are my hope.I have trusted you since I was young.

6. I have depended on you since I was born.You have been my help from the day I was born.I will always praise you.

7. I am an example to many people.You are my strong protection.

8. I am always praising you.All day long I honor you.

9. Do not reject me when I am old.Do not leave me when my strength is gone.

10. My enemies have made plans against me.They meet together to kill me.

11. They say, “God has left him.Go after him and take him.No one will save him.”

12. God, don’t be far off.My God, hurry to help me.

13. Let them be ashamed.Destroy those who accuse me.They are trying to hurt me.Cover them with shame and disgrace.

14. But I will always have hope.And I will praise you more and more.

15. I will tell about how you do what is right.I will tell about your salvation all day long,even though it is more than I can tell.

16. I will come and tell about your powerful works, Lord God.I will tell only about you and how you do what is right.