International Children’s Bible

Psalms 69:7-18 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

7. For you, I carry this shame.My face is covered with disgrace.

8. I am like a stranger to my brothers.I am like a foreigner to my mother’s sons.

9. My strong love for your Temple completely controls me.When people insult you, it hurts me.

10. When I cry and go without food,they make fun of me.

11. When I wear rough cloth to show my sadness,they joke about me.

12. They make fun of me in public places.The drunkards make up songs about me.

13. But I pray to you, Lord.I pray that you will accept me.God, because of your great love, answer me.You are truly able to save.

14. Pull me from the mud.Do not let me sink.Save me from those who hate meand from the deep water.

15. Do not let the flood drown me.Do not let the deep water swallow me.Do not let the grave close its mouth over me.

16. Lord, answer me because your love is so good.Because of your great kindness, turn to me.

17. Do not hide from me, your servant.I am in trouble. Hurry to help me!

18. Come near and save me.Rescue me from my enemies.