International Children’s Bible

Psalms 68:8-16 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

8. The ground shook,and the sky poured down rainbefore God, the God of Mount Sinai,before God, the God of Israel.

9. God, you sent much rain.You refreshed your tired land.

10. Your people settled there.God, in your goodnessyou took care of the poor.

11. The Lord gave the command.And a great army told the news:

12. “Kings and their armies run away.The women at home divide the wealth taken in war.”

13. Those who stayed behind by the sheepfoldwill get the riches taken in battle.

14. God scattered kingslike snow on Mount Zalmon.

15. The mountains of Bashan are great mountains.Mount Bashan has many peaks.

16. Why do you mountains with many peaks look downon Mount Zion, which God chose for his home?The Lord will live there forever.