International Children’s Bible

Psalms 49:12-20 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

12. Even rich people do not live forever.Like the animals, people die.

13. This is what will happen to people who trust in themselves.And this will happen to their followers who believe them. Selah

14. Like sheep, they must die.And death will be their shepherd.Honest people will rule over them in the morning.Their bodies will rot in a grave far from home.

15. But God will save my life.He will take me from the grave. Selah

16. Don’t be afraid of a rich manbecause his house is more beautiful.

17. He won’t take anything to the grave.His wealth won’t die with him.

18. He was praised when he was alive.(And people may praise you when you succeed.)

19. But he will go to where his ancestors are.He will never see light again.

20. Rich people with no understandingare just like animals that die.