International Children’s Bible

Psalms 144:1-10 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

1. Praise the Lord, my Rock.He trains me for war.He trains me for battle.

2. He gives me love and protects me like a strong, walled city.He is my place of safety and my Savior.He is my shield and my protection.He helps me rule my people.

3. Lord, why is man important to you?Why do you even think about a human being?

4. A man is like a breath.His life is like a passing shadow.

5. Lord, tear open the sky and come down.Touch the mountains so they will smoke.

6. Send the lightning and scatter my enemies.Shoot your arrows and force them away.

7. Reach down from above.Pull me out of this sea of enemies.Rescue me from these foreigners.

8. They are liars.They are dishonest.

9. God, I will sing a new song to you.I will play to you on the ten-stringed harp.

10. You give victory to kings.You save your servant David from cruel swords.