International Children’s Bible

Psalms 119:23-36 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

23. Even if princes speak against me,I, your servant, will think about your demands.

24. Your rules give me pleasure.They give me good advice.

25. I am about to die.Give me life, as you have promised.

26. I told you about my life, and you answered me.Teach me your demands.

27. Help me understand your orders.Then I will think about your miracles.

28. I am sad and tired.Make me strong again as you have promised.

29. Don’t let me be dishonest.Be kind to me by helping me obey your teachings.

30. I have chosen to obey you.I have obeyed your laws.

31. I hold on to your rules.Lord, do not let me be disgraced.

32. I will obey your commandsbecause you have made me happy.

33. Lord, teach me your demands.Then I will obey them until the end.

34. Help me understand, so I can obey your teachings.I will obey them with all my heart.

35. Help me obey your commandsbecause that makes me happy.

36. Help me want to obey your rulesinstead of selfishly wanting riches.