International Children’s Bible

Psalms 119:144-160 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

144. Your rules are good forever.Help me understand so I can live.

145. Lord, I call to you with all my heart.Answer me,and I will keep your demands.

146. I call to you. Save meso I can obey your rules.

147. I wake up early in the morning and cry out.I trust your word.

148. I stay awake all nightso I can think about your promises.

149. Listen to me because of your love.Lord, give me life by your laws.

150. Those who love evil are near.They are far from your teachings.

151. But, Lord, you are also near.And all your commands are true.

152. Long ago I learned from your rulesthat you made them to continue forever.

153. See my suffering and save mebecause I have not forgotten your teachings.

154. Argue my case and save me.Let me live by your promises.

155. Wicked people are far from being savedbecause they do not want to obey your demands.

156. Lord, you are very kind.Give me life by your laws.

157. Many enemies are after me.But I have not rejected your rules.

158. I see those traitors, and I hate thembecause they do not obey what you say.

159. See how I love your orders.Lord, give me life by your love.

160. Your words are true from the start.And all your laws will be fair forever.