International Children’s Bible

Psalms 119:117-126 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

117. Help me, and I will be saved.I will always respect your demands.

118. You reject everyone who ignores your demands.Their lies mislead them.

119. You throw away the wicked of the world like trash.So I will love your rules.

120. I shake in fear of you.I fear your laws.

121. I have done what is fair and right.Don’t leave me to my enemies.

122. Promise that you will help me, your servant.Don’t let proud people hurt me.

123. My eyes are tired from looking for your salvationand for your good promise.

124. Show your love to me, your servant.Teach me your demands.

125. I am your servant. Give me wisdomso I can understand your rules.

126. Lord, it is time for you to do something.People have disobeyed your teachings.