International Children’s Bible

Psalms 119:111-120 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

111. I will follow your rules forever.They make me happy.

112. I will try to do what you demandforever, until the end.

113. I hate people who are not completely loyal to you.But I love your teachings.

114. You are my hiding place and my shield.I trust your word.

115. Get away from me, you people who do evil,so I can keep my God’s commands.

116. Support me as you promised so I can live.Don’t let me be embarrassed because of my hopes.

117. Help me, and I will be saved.I will always respect your demands.

118. You reject everyone who ignores your demands.Their lies mislead them.

119. You throw away the wicked of the world like trash.So I will love your rules.

120. I shake in fear of you.I fear your laws.