International Children’s Bible

Psalms 116:2-12 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

2. He paid attention to me.So I will call to him for help as long as I live.

3. The ropes of death bound me.The fear of death took hold of me.I was troubled and sad.

4. Then I called out the name of the Lord.I said, “Please, Lord, save me!”

5. The Lord is kind and does what is right.Our God is merciful.

6. The Lord watches over the foolish.When I was helpless, he saved me.

7. I said to myself, “Relax,because the Lord takes care of you.”

8. Lord, you have saved me from death.You have stopped my eyes from crying.You have kept me from being defeated.

9. So I will walk with the Lordin the land of the living.

10. I believed, so I said,“I am completely ruined.”

11. In my distress I said,“All people are liars.”

12. What can I give the Lordfor all the good things he has given to me?