International Children’s Bible

Psalms 104:12-25 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

12. Wild birds make nests by the water.They sing among the tree branches.

13. You water the mountains from above.The earth is full of the things you made.

14. You make the grass for cattleand vegetables for the use of man.You make food grow from the earth.

15. You give us wine that makes happy hearts.And you give us olive oil that makes our faces shine.You give us bread that gives us strength.

16. The Lord’s trees have plenty of water.They are the cedar trees of Lebanon, which he planted.

17. The birds make their nests there.The stork’s home is in the fir trees.

18. The high mountains belong to the wild goats.The rocks are hiding places for the badgers.

19. You made the moon to mark the seasons.And the sun always knows when to set.

20. You make it dark, and it becomes night.Then all the wild animals creep around.

21. The lions roar as they attack.They look to God for food.

22. When the sun rises, they leave.They go back to their dens to lie down.

23. Then people go to work.And they work until evening.

24. Lord, you have made many things.With your wisdom you made them all.The earth is full of your riches.

25. Look at the sea, so big and wide.Its creatures large and small cannot be counted.