International Children’s Bible

Proverbs 9:1-12 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

1. Wisdom has built her house.She has made its seven columns.

2. She has prepared her food and wine.She has set her table.

3. She has sent out her servant girls.She calls out from the highest place in the city.

4. She says to those who are not wise,“Come in here, you foolish people!

5. Come and eat my food.And drink the wine I have prepared.

6. Stop your foolish ways, and you will live.Be a person of understanding.

7. “If you correct someone who makes fun of wisdom, you will get insulted.If you correct an evil person, you will get hurt.

8. Do not correct someone who makes fun of wisdom, or he will hate you.But correct a wise man, and he will love you.

9. Teach a wise man, and he will become even wiser.Teach a good man, and he will learn even more.

10. “Wisdom begins with respect for the Lord.And understanding begins with knowing God, the Holy One.

11. If you live wisely, you will live a long time.Wisdom will add years to your life.

12. The wise person is rewarded by his wisdom.But a person who makes fun of wisdom will suffer for it.”