International Children’s Bible

Proverbs 8:12-32 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

12. “I am wisdom, and I have the ability to think.I also have knowledge and good sense.

13. If you respect the Lord, you also will hate evil.It is wise to hate pride and bragging,evil ways and lies.

14. I have good sense and advice.I have understanding and power.

15. Kings use me to govern.And rulers use me to make fair laws.

16. Princes use me to lead.So do important men and all good judges.

17. I love those who love me.Those who want me find me.

18. Riches and honor are mine.So are wealth and lasting success.

19. What I give is better than the finest gold.What I give is better than pure silver.

20. I do what is right.I do what is fair.

21. I give wealth to those who love me.I fill them with treasures.

22. “I, wisdom, was with God when he began his work.This was before he made anything else long ago.

23. I was appointed in the very beginning,even before the world began.

24. I began before there were oceans.There were no springs overflowing with water.

25. I began before the hills were there.The mountains had not even been put in place.

26. God still had not made the earth or fields.He had not even made the first dust of the earth.

27. I was there when God put the skies in place,when he stretched the horizon over the oceans.

28. I was there when he made the clouds above.I was there when he put the fountains in the oceans.

29. I was there when he ordered the seanot to go beyond the borders he had set for it.I was there when he laid the earth’s foundation.

30. I was like a child by his side.I was happy every dayand enjoyed being in his presence.

31. I enjoyed the whole world.And I was happy with all its people.

32. “Now, my children, listen to me.Those who follow my ways are happy.