International Children’s Bible

Proverbs 6:18-26 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

18. a mind that thinks up evil plans,feet that are quick to do evil,

19. a witness who tells liesand a man who causes trouble among brothers.

20. My son, keep your father’s commands.Don’t forget your mother’s teaching.

21. Remember their words forever.Let it be as if they were tied around your neck.

22. They will guide you when you walk.They will guard you while you sleep.They will speak to you when you are awake.

23. Their commands are like a lamp.Their teaching is like a light.And the correction that comes from themhelps you have life.

24. Such teaching will keep you from sinful womenand from the pleasing words of another man’s unfaithful wife.

25. Don’t want her because she is beautiful.Don’t let her capture you by the way she looks at you.

26. A prostitute may leave you with only a loaf of bread.And a woman who takes part in adultery may cost you your life.