International Children’s Bible

Proverbs 6:10-19 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

10. You sleep a little; you take a nap.You fold your hands and rest.

11. So you will be as poor as if you had been robbed.You will have as little as if you had been held up.

12. Some people are wicked and no good.They go around telling lies.

13. They wink with their eyes and signal with their feet.They make signs with their fingers.

14. They make evil plans in their hearts.They are always causing trouble.

15. So trouble will strike them in an instant.Suddenly they will be hurt beyond cure.

16. There are six things the Lord hates.There are seven things he cannot stand:

17. a proud look,a lying tongue,hands that kill innocent people,

18. a mind that thinks up evil plans,feet that are quick to do evil,

19. a witness who tells liesand a man who causes trouble among brothers.