International Children’s Bible

Proverbs 6:1-8 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

1. My child, be careful about giving a guarantee for somebody else.Be careful about promising to pay what someone else owes.

2. You might get trapped by what you say.You might be caught by your own words.

3. My child, you might do this and be under somebody’s control.Then here is how to get free.Go to your neighbor and don’t be proud.Beg him to free you from your promise.

4. Don’t go to sleep.Don’t even rest your eyes.

5. But free yourself like a deer running from a hunter.Free yourself like a bird flying away from a trapper.

6. Go watch the ants, you lazy person.Watch what they do and be wise.

7. Ants have no commander.They have no leader or ruler.

8. But they store up food in the summer.They gather their supplies at harvest.