International Children’s Bible

Proverbs 3:19-34 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

19. Using his wisdom, the Lord made the earth.Using his understanding, he set the sky in place.

20. Using his knowledge, he made rivers flow from underground springs.And he made the clouds drop rain on the earth.

21. My child, hold on to wisdom and reason.Don’t let them out of your sight!

22. They will give you life.Like a necklace, they will beautify your life.

23. Then you will go on your way in safety.And you will not get hurt.

24. You won’t need to be afraid when you lie down.When you lie down, your sleep will be peaceful.

25. You won’t need to be afraid of trouble coming suddenly.You won’t need to fear the ruin that comes to the wicked.

26. The Lord will keep you safe.He will keep you from being trapped.

27. Whenever you are able,do good to people who need help.

28. If you have what your neighbor asks for,don’t say to him,“Come back later. I will give it to you tomorrow.”

29. Don’t make plans to hurt your neighbor.He lives nearby and trusts you.

30. Don’t accuse a man for no good reason.Don’t accuse him if he has not harmed you.

31. Don’t be jealous of men who use violence.And don’t choose to be like them.

32. The Lord hates those who do wrong.But he is a friend to those who are honest.

33. The Lord will put a curse on the evil person’s house.But he will bless the home of people who do what is right.

34. The Lord laughs at those who laugh at him.But he is kind to those who are not proud.