International Children’s Bible

Proverbs 22:17-26 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

17. Pay attention and listen to what wise people say.Remember what I am teaching you.

18. It will be good to keep these things in mind.Be prepared to repeat them.

19. I am teaching them to you nowso that you will put your trust in the Lord.

20. I have written down 30 sayings for you.They give knowledge and good advice.

21. I am teaching you true and reliable words.Then you can give true answers to anyone who asks.

22. Do not abuse poor people because they are poor.And do not take away the rights of the needy in court.

23. The Lord will defend them in court.And he will take the life of those who take away their rights.

24. Don’t make friends with someone who easily gets angry.Don’t spend time with someone who has a bad temper.

25. If you do, you may learn to be like him.Then you will be in real danger.

26. Don’t promise to pay what someone else owes.And don’t give guarantees that you will pay what he owes.