International Children’s Bible

Proverbs 1:6-17 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

6. Then they will be able to understand wise words and stories.They will understand the words of wise men and their riddles.

7. Knowledge begins with respect for the Lord.But foolish people hate wisdom and discipline.

8. My child, listen to your father’s teaching.And do not forget your mother’s advice.

9. Their teaching will beautify your life.It will be like flowers in your hair or a chain around your neck.

10. My child, sinners will try to lead you into sin.But do not follow them.

11. They might say, “Come with us.Let’s ambush and kill someone.Let’s attack some harmless person just for fun.

12. Let’s swallow them alive, as death does.Let’s swallow them whole, as the grave does.

13. We will take all kinds of valuable things.We will fill our houses with what we steal.

14. Come join us,and we will share with you what we steal.”

15. My child, do not go along with them.Do not do what they do.

16. They run to do evil.They are quick to kill.

17. It is useless to spread out a netright where the birds can see it!