International Children’s Bible

Proverbs 1:19-25 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

19. All greedy people end up this way.Greed takes away the life of the greedy person.

20. Wisdom is like a good woman who shouts in the street.She raises her voice in the city squares.

21. She cries out in the noisy street.She makes her speech at the city gates:

22. “You foolish people! How long do you want to stay foolish?How long will you make fun of wisdom?How long will you hate knowledge?

23. Listen when I correct you.I will tell you what’s in my heart.I will tell you what I am thinking.

24. I called, but you refused to listen.I held out my hand, but you paid no attention.

25. You did not follow my advice.You did not want me to correct you.