International Children’s Bible

Philippians 1:20-27 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

20. The thing I want and hope for is that I will not fail Christ in anything. I hope that I will have the courage now, as always, to show the greatness of Christ in my life here on earth. I want to do that if I die or if I live.

21. To me the only important thing about living is Christ. And even death would be profit for me.

22. If I continue living in the body, I will be able to work for the Lord. But what should I choose—living or dying? I do not know.

23. It is hard to choose between the two. I want to leave this life and be with Christ. That is much better.

24. But you need me here in my body.

25. I know that you need me, and so I know that I will stay with you. I will help you grow and have joy in your faith.

26. You will be very happy in Christ Jesus when I am with you again.

27. Be sure that you live in a way that brings honor to the Good News of Christ. Then whether I come and visit you or am away from you, I will hear good things about you. I will hear that you continue strong with one purpose and that you work together as a team for the faith of the Good News.