International Children’s Bible

Numbers 4:21-30 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

21. The Lord said to Moses,

22. “Count the Gershonites by families and family groups.

23. Count the men from 30 to 50 years old. Everyone has a job to do in the Meeting Tent.

24. “This is what the Gershonite family groups must do and what they must carry.

25. They must carry the pieces of cloth of the Holy Tent and Meeting Tent. They must also carry its covering and the covering made from fine leather. And they must carry the curtains for the entrance to the Meeting Tent.

26. They must carry the curtains of the courtyard that goes around the Holy Tent and the altar. They must carry the curtain for the entry to the courtyard and the ropes and all the things used with the curtains. They must do everything connected with these things.

27. Aaron and his sons are in charge of what the Gershonites do or carry. You tell them what they are responsible for carrying.

28. This is the work of the Gershonite family group at the Meeting Tent. Ithamar son of Aaron, the priest, will direct their work.

29. “Count the Merarite families and family groups.

30. Count the men from 30 to 50 years old. They will work at the Meeting Tent.