International Children’s Bible

Numbers 31:37-52 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

37. They gave 675 of the sheep to the Lord.

38. They got 36,000 cattle. They gave 72 of them to the Lord.

39. They got 30,500 donkeys. They gave 61 of them to the Lord.

40. They got 16,000 people. And they gave 32 of them to the Lord.

41. Moses gave the Lord’s share to Eleazar the priest. This was what the Lord had commanded him.

42. Moses separated the people’s half from the soldiers’ half.

43. The people got 337,500 sheep,

44. 36,000 cattle,

45. 30,500 donkeys

46. and 16,000 people.

47. From the people’s half Moses took 1 thing out of every 50 for the Lord. This included the animals and the people. Then he gave them to the Levites. They took care of the Lord’s Holy Tent. This was what the Lord had commanded Moses.

48. Then the officers of the army came to Moses. They were the commanders of 1,000 men and commanders of 100 men.

49. They told Moses, “We, your servants, have counted our soldiers under our command. Not one of them is missing.

50. So we have brought the Lord a gift. We have brought the gold things that each of us found: arm bands, bracelets, signet rings, earrings and necklaces. These are to remove our sins so we will belong to the Lord.”

51. So Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold things from them.

52. The commanders of 1,000 men and the commanders of 100 men gave the Lord the gold. All of it together weighed about 420 pounds.