International Children’s Bible

Matthew 23:2-6 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

2. “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees have the authority to tell you what the law of Moses says.

3. So you should obey and follow whatever they tell you. But their lives are not good examples for you to follow. They tell you to do things, but they don’t do the things themselves.

4. They make strict rules and try to force people to obey them. But they themselves will not try to follow any of those rules.

5. “The reason they do good things is so other people will see them. They make the boxes of Scriptures that they wear bigger and bigger. And they make their special prayer clothes very long so that people will notice them.

6. Those Pharisees and teachers of the law love to have the most important seats at the feasts. And they love to have the most important seats in the synagogues.