International Children’s Bible

Matthew 15:4-15 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

4. God said, ‘Honor your father and mother.’ And God also said, ‘Anyone who says cruel things to his father or mother must be put to death.’

5. But you say that a person can tell his father or mother, ‘I have something I could use to help you. But I will not use it for you. I will give it to God.’

6. You teach that person not to honor his father. You teach that it is not important to do what God said. You think that it is more important to follow the rules you have.

7. You are hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he spoke about you:

8. ‘These people show honor to me with words.But their hearts are far from me.

9. Their worship of me is worthless.The things they teach are nothingbut human rules they have memorized.’” Isaiah 29:13

10. Jesus called the crowd to him. He said, “Listen and understand what I am saying.

11. It is not what a person puts into his mouth that makes him unclean. It is what comes out of his mouth that makes him unclean.”

12. Then his followers came to Jesus and asked, “Do you know that the Pharisees are angry because of what you said?”

13. Jesus answered, “Every plant that my Father in heaven has not planted himself will be pulled up by the roots.

14. Stay away from the Pharisees. They are blind leaders. And if a blind man leads another blind man, then both men will fall into a ditch.”

15. Peter said, “Explain the story to us.”