International Children’s Bible

Luke 8:46-55 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

46. But Jesus said, “Someone did touch me! I felt power go out from me.”

47. When the woman saw that she could not hide, she came forward, shaking. She bowed down before Jesus. While all the people listened, she told why she had touched him. Then, she said, she was healed immediately.

48. Jesus said to her, “Dear woman, you are healed because you believed. Go in peace.”

49. While Jesus was still speaking, someone came from the house of the synagogue ruler and said to the ruler, “Your daughter has died! Don’t bother the teacher now.”

50. When Jesus heard this, he said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just believe, and your daughter will be well.”

51. Jesus went to the house. He let only Peter, John, James, and the girl’s father and mother go inside with him.

52. All the people were crying and feeling sad because the girl was dead. But Jesus said, “Don’t cry. She is not dead; she is only sleeping.”

53. The people laughed at Jesus because they knew that the girl was dead.

54. But Jesus took her by the hand and called to her, “My child, stand up!”

55. Her spirit came back into her, and she stood up immediately. Jesus said, “Give her something to eat.”