International Children’s Bible

Luke 6:26-38 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

26. “How terrible when all people say only good things about you. Their fathers always said good things about the false prophets.

27. “I say to you who are listening to me, love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you.

28. Ask God to bless those who say bad things to you. Pray for those who are cruel to you.

29. If anyone slaps you on one cheek, let him slap the other cheek too. If someone takes your coat, do not stop him from taking your shirt.

30. Give to everyone who asks you. When a person takes something that is yours, don’t ask for it back.

31. Do for other people what you want them to do for you.

32. If you love only those who love you, should you get some special praise for doing that? No! Even sinners love the people who love them!

33. If you do good only to those who do good to you, should you get some special praise for doing that? No! Even sinners do that!

34. If you lend things to people, always hoping to get something back, should you get some special praise for that? No! Even sinners lend to other sinners so that they can get back the same amount!

35. So love your enemies. Do good to them, and lend to them without hoping to get anything back. If you do these things, you will have a great reward. You will be sons of the Most High God. Yes, because God is kind even to people who are ungrateful and full of sin.

36. Show mercy just as your father shows mercy.

37. “Don’t judge other people, and you will not be judged. Don’t accuse others of being guilty, and you will not be accused of being guilty. Forgive other people, and you will be forgiven.

38. Give, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands—more than you can hold. You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you.”