International Children’s Bible

Luke 11:26-31 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

26. Then the evil spirit goes out and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself. Then all the evil spirits go into that person and live there. And he has even more trouble than he had before.”

27. When Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd spoke out. She said to Jesus, “Your mother is blessed because she gave birth to you and nursed you.”

28. But Jesus said, “Those who hear the teaching of God and obey it—they are the ones who are truly blessed.”

29. The crowd grew larger. Jesus said, “The people who live today are evil. They ask for a miracle as a sign from God. But they will have no sign—only the sign of Jonah.

30. Jonah was a sign for those people who lived in Nineveh. In the same way the Son of Man will be a sign for the people of this time.

31. On the Judgment Day the Queen of the South will stand up with the men who live now. She will show that they are guilty because she came from far away to listen to Solomon’s wise teaching. And I tell you that someone greater than Solomon is here!