International Children’s Bible

Luke 10:10-25 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

10. But if you go into a town, and the people don’t welcome you, then go out into the streets of that town. Say to them,

11. ‘Even the dirt from your town that sticks to our feet we wipe off against you. But remember that the kingdom of God is coming soon.’

12. I tell you, on the Judgment Day it will be worse for the people of that town than for the people of Sodom.

13. “How terrible for you, Korazin! How terrible for you, Bethsaida! I did many miracles in you. If those same miracles had happened in Tyre and Sidon, those people would have changed their lives and stopped sinning long ago. They would have worn rough cloth and put ashes on themselves to show that they had changed.

14. But on the Judgment Day it will be worse for you than for Tyre and Sidon.

15. And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted up to heaven? No! You will be thrown down to the depths!

16. “He who listens to you is really listening to me. He who refuses to accept you is really refusing to accept me. And he who refuses to accept me is refusing to accept the One who sent me.”

17. When the 72 men came back from their trip, they were very happy. They said, “Lord, even the demons obeyed us when we used your name!”

18. Jesus said to the men, “I saw Satan falling like lightning from the sky.

19. Listen! I gave you power to walk on snakes and scorpions. I gave you more power than the Enemy has. Nothing will hurt you.

20. You should be happy, but not because the spirits obey you. You should be happy because your names are written in heaven.”

21. Then the Holy Spirit made Jesus rejoice. He said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the people who are wise and smart. But you have shown them to those who are like little children. Yes, Father, you did this because this is what you really wanted.

22. “My Father has given me all things. No one knows the Son—only the Father knows. And only the Son knows the Father. The only people who will know about the Father are those whom the Son chooses to tell.”

23. Then Jesus turned to his followers and said privately, “You are blessed to see what you now see!

24. I tell you, many prophets and kings wanted to see what you now see. But they did not see these things. And many prophets and kings wanted to hear what you now hear. But they did not hear these things.”

25. Then a teacher of the law stood up. He was trying to test Jesus. He said, “Teacher, what must I do to get life forever?”