International Children’s Bible

Leviticus 6:5-17 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

5. Or he must bring back what he made a false promise about. He must pay the full price. Then he must pay an extra one-fifth of the value of what he took. He must give the money to the true owner. This must be done on the day he brings his penalty offering.

6. He must pay a penalty to the priest. It must be a male sheep from the flock. It must not have anything wrong with it. And it must be worth the correct amount. It will be a penalty offering to the Lord.

7. Then the priest will perform the acts to remove that person’s sin so he will belong to the Lord. And the Lord will forgive him for the sins that made him guilty.”

8. The Lord said to Moses,

9. “Give this command to Aaron and the priests: ‘These are the teachings about the whole burnt offering. The burnt offering must stay on the altar all night until morning. The altar’s fire must be kept burning.

10. The priest must put on his linen robe. He must put on linen underclothes next to his body. Then he will remove the ashes from the burnt offering on the altar. He will put these ashes beside the altar.

11. Then he must take off those clothes and put on others. He must carry the ashes outside the camp to a special clean place.

12. But the fire must be kept burning on the altar. It must not be allowed to go out. The priest must put more firewood on the altar every morning. He must place the whole burnt offering on the fire. He must burn the fat of the fellowship offerings.

13. The fire must be kept burning on the altar all the time. It must not go out.

14. “‘These are the teachings about the grain offering: The priests must bring it to the Lord in front of the altar.

15. The priest must take a handful of fine flour. The oil and incense must be on it. The priest must burn the grain offering on the altar. It will be a memorial offering to the Lord. Its smell is pleasing to him.

16. Aaron and the priests may eat what is left. It must be eaten without yeast in a holy place. The priests must eat it in the courtyard of the Meeting Tent.

17. It must not be cooked with yeast. I have given it as their share of the offerings made to me by fire. It is most holy, like the sin offering and the penalty offering.