International Children’s Bible

Leviticus 4:19-25 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

19. The priest must remove all the fat from the animal. And he must burn it on the altar.

20. He will do the same thing with this bull that he did with the first bull of the sin offering. In this way the priest removes the sins of the people so they will belong to the Lord. And the Lord will forgive them.

21. Then the priest must carry the bull outside the camp and burn it. He must do this just as he did with the first bull. This is the sin offering for the whole community.

22. “‘A ruler might sin by accident. He might do something the Lord his God has commanded must not be done. If he does, he is guilty.

23. When he learns about his sin, he must bring a male goat. It must have nothing wrong with it. That will be his sin offering.

24. The ruler must put his hand on the goat’s head and kill it. This must be done where they kill the whole burnt offering before the Lord. The goat is a sin offering.

25. The priest must take some of the blood of the sin offering on his finger. He must put it on the corners of the altar of burnt offering. He must pour out the rest of the blood at the bottom of the altar of burnt offering.