International Children’s Bible

Leviticus 19:6-15 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

6. You may eat it the same day you offer it. And you may also eat it on the next day. But if any is left on the third day, you must burn it up.

7. If any of it is eaten on the third day, it is unclean. It will not be accepted.

8. Anyone who eats it then will be guilty of sin. This is because he did not respect the holy things that belong to the Lord. He must be separated from his people.

9. “‘You harvest your crops on your land. But do not harvest all the way to the corners of your fields. If grain falls onto the ground, don’t gather it up.

10. Don’t pick all the grapes in your vineyards. And don’t pick up the grapes that fall to the ground. You must leave those things for poor people. You must also leave them for people traveling through your country. I am the Lord your God.

11. “‘You must not steal. You must not cheat people. You must not lie to each other.

12. You must not make a false promise by my name. If you do that, you will show that you don’t respect your God. I am the Lord.

13. “‘You must not cheat your neighbor. You must not rob him. You must not keep a hired worker’s salary all night until morning.

14. You must not curse a deaf man. And you must not put something in front of a blind person to make him fall. But you must respect your God. I am the Lord.

15. “‘Be fair in your judging. You must not show special favor to poor people or great people. You must be fair when you judge your neighbor.