International Children’s Bible

Leviticus 19:20-27 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

20. “‘A man might have physical relations with a slave girl of another man. But this slave girl has not been bought or given her freedom. If this happens, there must be punishment. But they are not to be put to death. This is because the woman was not free.

21. The man must bring a male sheep as his penalty offering. He must bring it to the Lord at the entrance to the Meeting Tent.

22. The priest will offer the male sheep as a penalty offering before the Lord. It will be for the man’s sin. The priest will perform the acts to remove the sins of the man so he will belong to the Lord. Then the man will be forgiven for his sin.

23. “‘In the future you will enter your country. You will plant many kinds of trees for food. After planting a tree, wait three years before using its fruit.

24. In the fourth year the fruit from the tree will be the Lord’s. It will be a holy offering of praise to him.

25. Then in the fifth year, you may eat the fruit from the tree. The tree will then produce more fruit for you. I am the Lord your God.

26. “‘You must not eat anything with the blood in it.“‘You must not try to tell the future by signs or black magic.

27. “‘You must not cut the hair on the sides of your heads. And you must not cut the edges of your beard.